Historians prove that Cao Cao was a great hero, not a traitor

Avatar of Logan By Logan Dec4,2023 #Historians #traitor
Historians prove that Cao Cao was a great hero, not a traitor 1
Historians prove that Cao Cao was a great hero, not a traitor 1

There have been many books commenting and explaining the Romance of the Three Kingdoms, but few have commented as logically, convincingly, and interestingly as Lu Tu Mien.

“Now I have to explain myself on behalf of a great hero.

This seemingly provocative way of writing has officially made many hard-core fans of Romance of the Three Kingdoms find it difficult to accept.

Even Nam Cao, in the work The Eyes Are Taught in Schools, could not avoid that prejudice.

To begin to clear Cao Cao’s injustice, historian La gave a lot of convincing evidence.

“Of course it is influenced by Dien Nghia, but Dien Nghia also has its basis.

Next, based on historical documents (not narrative stories), La Tu Mien threw out a lot of shocking information one after another: `What kind of person was Emperor Wu of Wei?

Historians prove that Cao Cao was a great hero, not a traitor

Returning to seclusion, Cao Cao was not discouraged, but patiently read books, practiced martial arts, and waited for the time.

In the story of the Three Kingdoms, people accused Cao Cao of being disloyal and wanted to usurp the Han Dynasty, which is also the origin of the nickname `crook`, according to Lu Tu Mien, it was all based on inaccurate information.

It can be mentioned: `In the 17th year of Kien An (212), Dong Chieu and his group said that Cao Cao should be promoted to dukedom, and discussed this matter with Tuan Uc, Tuan Uc said that Emperor Wu of Wei was originally an insurgent army to

Historians prove that Cao Cao was a great hero, not a traitor

In the second example, La Tu Mien recounted that in the 24th year of Kien An (219), Ton Quyen wanted to attack Kinh Chau, presented a letter declaring himself a god, and mentioned the decree of heaven that Cao Cao should become Emperor.

And yet, in the notes in the Romance of the Three Kingdoms, quoting the book Wei Thi Xuan Thu, it is said: Ha Hau Don told Cao Cao: From ancient times until now, those who can eliminate harm for the people and are looked up to by the people are the ones who can

Cao Cao replied: `If it were up to me, then I would be King of Zhou Wen` (King of Zhou Wen is someone who has two-thirds of the world and can still serve the An dynasty).

All this clearly shows that Cao Cao had no intention of usurping the Han dynasty.

Such examples are long, and the portrait of Cao Cao in historical legends is truly a reverse image of Cao Cao in Romance of the Three Kingdoms.

Legend of the Three Kingdoms is a work written by Lu Tu Mien for young people who love history, at the suggestion of his student Duong Khoan.

The book’s layout is chapter-style, revealing many other interesting stories, such as the truth of the Battle of Xich Bich, the clarification of Wei Yan, or the false and true stories surrounding the influence of the eunuchs.

Historians prove that Cao Cao was a great hero, not a traitor

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By Logan

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