Romance of the Three Kingdoms – Strategy opens a Mid-Autumn Festival party `Using the Heroes’ Conspiracy` to discuss experience in managing allies

Romance of the Three Kingdoms - Strategy opens a Mid-Autumn Festival party `Using the Heroes' Conspiracy` to discuss experience in managing allies 1
Romance of the Three Kingdoms - Strategy opens a Mid-Autumn Festival party `Using the Heroes' Conspiracy` to discuss experience in managing allies 1

In the cozy and solemn atmosphere of the Mid-Autumn Festival party, the owners and players had the opportunity to interact with representatives of publisher Thien Thuong Hoa, the game production and operation team, and discuss books.

Attending the program were representatives of publisher (NPH) Thien Thuong Hoa – Mr. Tran Minh Hao;

At the beginning, NPH representative, Mr. Tran Minh Hao shared with the distinguished guests the reason for organizing the banquet.

Romance of the Three Kingdoms - Strategy opens a Mid-Autumn Festival party `Using the Heroes' Conspiracy` to discuss experience in managing allies

Player NEWSPAPER, representative of TiemLong, shares the secret of his Allied’s success: `Strict management, completion of Ordinances & Rules, high enforcement of the Allied Forces`.

Player HuangFei representing Dai Viet Alliance, reaching the top 2 of the Silver Billion tournament, shared his secret when leading 200 members which is `Assertive fighting style, always observing the opponent’s moves, good at

Romance of the Three Kingdoms - Strategy opens a Mid-Autumn Festival party `Using the Heroes' Conspiracy` to discuss experience in managing allies

After the sharing from the player representative, the representative of the Three Kingdoms – Chien Luoc executive board also sent to the Alliance Masters and officials valuable information about the `Ally management secret book` with the following contents:

Right after the Leaders and officials finished their leader talks, there was a reveal of the exciting content that will be updated in the near future of the game.

Romance of the Three Kingdoms - Strategy opens a Mid-Autumn Festival party `Using the Heroes' Conspiracy` to discuss experience in managing allies

Also at the party, interspersed with sharing displays from players and representatives of the executive board were lucky draws with attractive prizes such as: Airpods 3 headphones, Logitech Mini keyboard and gift vouchers.

Romance of the Three Kingdoms - Strategy opens a Mid-Autumn Festival party `Using the Heroes' Conspiracy` to discuss experience in managing allies

Concluding the program, NPH representatives and the game operation team also reviewed the 261 days since the game’s launch until now, going through 4 seasons of dramatic fighting.

For more detailed information about the latest events and updates, gamers can see the official fanpage or download the game here:

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By Eliana

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