LPL media underestimated T1 at MSI 2023, saying one sentence about Gumayusi

LPL media underestimated T1 at MSI 2023, saying one sentence about Gumayusi 1
LPL media underestimated T1 at MSI 2023, saying one sentence about Gumayusi 1

In just less than 1 year, from MSI 2022, T1 has participated in 4 finals.

No one thought T1 would lose to DRX at Worlds 2022 – source: LOL Esports

But in the end, T1 lost all four of those finals.

LPL media underestimated T1 at MSI 2023, saying one sentence about Gumayusi

T1 lost 4 consecutive finals from MSI 2022 to present – source: Twitter

Consecutive defeats in the finals also make T1 underrated.

LPL media underestimated T1 at MSI 2023, saying one sentence about Gumayusi

The duo Zeus (left) and Oner often lose form in the most important matches of the season – source: LoL Esports

Next, T1’s Bot Lane couple also had problems.

LPL media underestimated T1 at MSI 2023, saying one sentence about Gumayusi

Gumayusi and Keria also made fans worried – source: LoL Esports

Accompanying Gumayusi is Keria and he himself is always considered the best Support today.

LPL media underestimated T1 at MSI 2023, saying one sentence about Gumayusi

Keria is still the best Support in League of Legends but he needs to improve his performance recently – source: LoL Esports

Finally, there’s Faker, whose signs of age are clearly visible in his performances.

LPL media underestimated T1 at MSI 2023, saying one sentence about Gumayusi

Faker often has problems when matches last too long – source: Twitter

According to the assessment of the LPL region, T1 is actually not as strong as fans commented.

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By Hannah

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