Comparing Mario and Luigi, who is the ultimate winner in the hearts of gamers?

Comparing Mario and Luigi, who is the ultimate winner in the hearts of gamers? 3
Comparing Mario and Luigi, who is the ultimate winner in the hearts of gamers? 3

Talking about Luigi, everyone has always thought that this guy is just another version of Mario.

Although there are differences in gameplay, as well as colors, these two guys have almost the same appearance, and Luigi can jump a little higher.

Comparison of strength

Putting Mario and Luigi’s physical strengths on the scale is a somewhat hopeless task.

That’s why, who becomes the strongest only happens when one of the two is increased to its peak strength.

Who is the final winner?

Comparing Mario and Luigi, who is the ultimate winner in the hearts of gamers?

The strength factor seems to be difficult to use to judge who is superior between Mario and Luigi.

Therefore, Luigi has an advantage over his superstar brother.

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By Eliana

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