When the Pixar characters become 100% real: The only princess more beautiful than animation

Avatar of Daniel By Daniel Dec6,2023 #characters #Pixar #When
When the Pixar characters become 100% real: The only princess more beautiful than animation 2
When the Pixar characters become 100% real: The only princess more beautiful than animation 2

Pixar has produced many quality animated works, which is one of Disney’s great pride.

First is the Incredible superhero family.

Next is Dash’s mother, Mrs. Incredible who possesses the ability to stretch.

When the Pixar characters become 100% real: The only princess more beautiful than animation

If Mrs. Incredible is different from the animated version, then Mr. Incredible must be the same to be `a good match`.

When the Pixar characters become 100% real: The only princess more beautiful than animation

The old man version of the movie Up – Up Bay makes a strong impression because of the meticulousness and investment in every detail in the real-life version.

When the Pixar characters become 100% real: The only princess more beautiful than animation

Unlike old man Carl, the boy scout Russo is disappointing because the real version does not show his innocence, mischievousness and plumpness.

When the Pixar characters become 100% real: The only princess more beautiful than animation

As the only Disney princess that Pixar has ever created, Merida from the movie Brave stands out with her fiery red hair, attractive blue eyes, beautiful freckles and a truly brave temperament.

When the Pixar characters become 100% real: The only princess more beautiful than animation

The male lead of the profound animated film Soul has been fully optimized to look as `real life` as possible.

The boy in the movie Coco will definitely make everyone love him because he still has a childlike mischievous look, but somewhere there is an endless spirit of adventure.

In addition, many of Pixar’s characters were inspired by real people and events.

The first is project Luca about two best friends who are magical creatures of the sea.

Back in the 2000s, the character of fashion designer for famous superhero Edna Mode in The Incredibles was also inspired by real characters.

Finally, there is the most famous and emotional case – Coco.

Source: BuzzFeed

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By Daniel

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