With just this CPU duo, AMD is confident enough to `take over` all of Intel’s CPU revenue

Avatar of Logan By Logan Dec24,2023 #confident #Intel #Wither
With just this CPU duo, AMD is confident enough to `take over` all of Intel's CPU revenue 5
With just this CPU duo, AMD is confident enough to `take over` all of Intel's CPU revenue 5

With the advantage of having extremely good p/p, strong performance but a much more reasonable price than Intel CPU lines, it is not surprising that the Ryzen 3000 CPU line quickly `sold out` in many countries.

This is the opinion made by many experts, when the latest data shows that the Ryzen 3000 CPU series is surpassing Intel CPU models in markets such as Germany, Japan, the US, and Canada – where the DIY segment (people

Ryzen 5 and Ryzen 7 `weigh` all of Intel’s CPU revenue

Looking at the latest data just announced by Mindfactory – one of the largest PC hardware retailers in Germany, it can be seen that AMD CPUs are selling very well, accounting for 78% of total CPUs sold, pushing

In particular, in August alone, sales of Ryzen 3000 series CPUs accounted for more than half of the total number of AMD CPUs sold.

Compared to July – when the Ryzen 3 series hit the shelves, AMD’s August sales had a slight decrease, from 79% to 78%.

In fact, AMD’s 3rd generation Ryzen processors were sold out in the first month, then sales slowed down mainly because TSMC’s 7nm process lines were not producing in time.

Of course, the shortage of CPU models in the mid and high-end segments, which have good prices and profit margins, has caused AMD’s revenue to decline by 3%, from 75% of total market revenue in

The dizzying acceleration in AMD’s revenue in July and August clearly had a huge contribution from the Ryzen 3000 CPU series. Previously, Intel always achieved extremely good revenue thanks to the sale of i7 chips.

With just this CPU duo, AMD is confident enough to `take over` all of Intel's CPU revenue

This is clearly shown in the statistics table of the best-selling CPU models in Germany, when Ryzen 7 3700X and Ryzen 5 3600 are leading, followed by the flagship Ryzen 9. It can be clearly seen that AMD is doing well.

On the Blue Team side, AMD’s strongest competitors are the names of the Coffee Lake line, including the Core i9-9900K, 9900KF and 9700K, as these CPUs account for the majority of Intel’s sales.

AMD is improving, but Intel is still a giant that is not easy to defeat

With just this CPU duo, AMD is confident enough to `take over` all of Intel's CPU revenue

It must be added that the above numbers do not fully reflect the competition between Intel and AMD, as these are only statistics for the German market – where the Red team’s CPU lines are still favored.

According to PassMark’s market share report, Intel’s CPU market share decreased from 76.90% to 70.70% while AMD’s CPU market share increased from 23.10% to 29.30% during the quarter

However, statistics do not lie.

Many experts have commented that Intel will continue to sell its current products at the same price.


With just this CPU duo, AMD is confident enough to `take over` all of Intel's CPU revenue

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By Logan

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