What is Magnum?

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What is Magnum? 0

Magnum is not a word that can be easily translated into Vietnamese because in English it has many meanings.

So what does the above concept mean?

The development of Magnum

What is Magnum?

In the 20th century, magazine-fed semi-automatic pistol technology gradually improved.

In order to change this, the king of revolvers Smith & Wesson has focused on exploiting the strength of the revolver design – the ability to use large bullets without being affected by the size of the gun’s grip.

In 1935, S&W launched the  Model 27, the world’s first Magnum.

The logic behind the development of the magnum pistol is that if only six shots can be fired, then those six shots should be the six most powerful shots possible.

Magnum’s popularity in popular culture

In 1971, in the movie Dirty Harry, the character Harry Callahan played by Clint Eastwood had the following line:

What is Magnum?

“I know what you’re thinking.

But since this is a .44 Magnum, the most powerful handgun in the world, and if you get hit, your head will fly off, you have to ask yourself one question: Do I feel lucky?

Do you think you’re lucky?`

At the time of the movie’s release, the S&W Model 29 gun with a .44 Magnum bullet was the most powerful handgun in the world.

Today, although the .44 Magnum has been surpassed by other bullet calibers, no one can forget that this is the caliber that brought magnum into popular culture.

Every Magnum is a revolver?

One thing to note is that not all revolvers are magnum and magnum does not come in this configuration.

What is Magnum?

One of the most popular revolver cartridges is the .38 Special.

Regarding the magnum aspect that is not limited to a revolver configuration, another typical example of a magnum pistol in popular culture is the Desert Eagle, also known as `silver green` by Vietnamese gamers.

Desert Eagle is a gun model developed in the late 70s and can use 3 bullet sizes: .357, .44 and .50 AE with bullet capacities of 9, 8 and 7 bullets in a magazine, respectively.

Besides the Desert Eagle, another semi-automatic magnum model that is also relatively popular is the .357 Coonan.

The common weakness of both guns is that because the magnum bullet size is too large, the magazine loading has made the gun’s handle relatively wide, making the two gun models difficult to use.

What is Magnum?

Why is Magnum so dominant in the game?

Even though it has higher firepower than other types of handgun bullets, in the end, magnum is still difficult to surpass rifle bullets.

The reason why magnum is increased in power in the game is because of gameplay balance.

Because of this, the ammo that comes with the magnum is relatively small.

What is Magnum?

The context of horror games is similar.

To summarize, it can be seen that although the magnum pistol is already a powerful weapon in real life, its appearance in games and movies has reinforced its reputation as a `hand cannon`.

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By Samuel

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