The current T1 squad is unlikely to disband, the reason is this

Avatar of Daniel By Daniel Dec29,2023 #current #unlikely
The current T1 squad is unlikely to disband, the reason is this 1
The current T1 squad is unlikely to disband, the reason is this 1

In recent days, the transfer information of the professional League of Legends village has caused a lot of stir.

The future of this squad is a big question mark

In particular, the reigning champion of World Championship 2023 – T1 is receiving the most attention.

Current and future lineup

It can be said that T1 has the best young players in the LCK in particular and the world of League of Legends in general.

The current T1 squad is unlikely to disband, the reason is this

T1 certainly does not want to lose this group of talented players

Furthermore, the re-recruitment of coach KkOma shows that T1 still really desires glory.

Cohesion and Faker

It cannot be denied that when players move to other teams, there will still be team callers and players with the same role as Faker at T1.

The current T1 squad is unlikely to disband, the reason is this

The stars have played together for many years under Faker’s command

Not to mention, the current stars have been playing together for a long time.

LCK’s salary ceiling rules

In fact, the LCK’s salary cap regulations may initially be understood as a difficult problem for teams to sign superstars, but give T1 an advantage.

The current T1 squad is unlikely to disband, the reason is this

The salary cap rule with initial terms may be considered favorable for Faker

Thus, if we include the contracts that were completed before the regulations were officially applied (possibly in 2024), almost all T1 players have been with T1 long enough (all from 3 years old).

But if the current T1 disbands, the `loyalty` element will no longer exist.

The current T1 squad is unlikely to disband, the reason is this

But in fact, all T1 stars can benefit if they continue to stick together here


Of course, the choice still depends only on the T1 players.

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By Daniel

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