One Piece is a famous Japanese manga series written by author Eiichiro Oda, published periodically in Weekly Shonen Jump magazine, first published in issue number 34 on July 19, 1997. The series was broadcast
With this success, we cannot help but mention the contribution of Eiichiro Oda, the author of One Piece.
One Piece will end in 5 years
One Piece is currently nearing its end, according to the author, it has reached 80% and the author wants to end it in the next 5 years.
Whether Oda can truly finish the story after five years remains to be seen, however his editors certainly believe that Oda can finish the story in that time.
Oda already knew how he wanted to end One Piece
Eiichiro Oda is known for his skill in planning everything in advance and then showing it in his manga.
He decided this a long time ago and made it public in 1999. The only people who can know these ideas can be his associates.
One Piece is a true treasure
Right from the beginning, many fans were curious whether the One Piece treasure was real or not?
In his opinion, it would be quite unfair if the Straw Hat pirates’ journey lasted so long without receiving the final reward.
Oda will never change the ending
A long time ago, there were rumors that Eiichiro Oda would change the ending of One Piece if a fan theory was correct.
In January 2021, editor Isaka asked Oda if he would ever change the ending to the story, and the author said he did not want to do so.
Oda is determined to die for One Piece
One Piece is loved by many people, but certainly no one is as dedicated and loves it as much as Eiichiro Oda himself.
During their first meeting, Oda also told Kawashima to `die for ONE PIECE`, which shocked the editor but also impressed him.
Oda often cries when drawing One Piece
In a television interview that took place in August 2020, editor Naito revealed that the late appearance of the manuscripts for the chapter where Rebecca meets Kyros disappointed him but when he saw them, he could not
Oda is also known to often cry while drawing stories, which he revealed readers will not be moved unless what he draws pushes them to the brink of tears.