Lyly Sury – Quang Hai, the new talented couple of Lien Quan Viet village

Lyly Sury - Quang Hai, the new talented couple of Lien Quan Viet village 1
Lyly Sury - Quang Hai, the new talented couple of Lien Quan Viet village 1

On the morning of October 28, the entire Vietnamese Lien Quan community was shocked when the beautiful, hot female MC of TelDV Lyly Sury posted a photo taken with a jungler from team V Gaming.

Quang Hai gave Lyly Sury a sweet kiss on the forehead

In posting the photo, Lyly Sury also included the status: `Enough of the challenges and turbulence, we just love each other.`

Lyly Sury - Quang Hai, the new talented couple of Lien Quan Viet village

Before that, the two had flirted with each other many times on livestream

Lyly Sury’s real name is Nguyen Thi Huong Ly started as a streamer of the game Lien Quan Mobile.

Some time ago, Lyly Sury announced that she was severely depressed and temporarily took a break to regain positive energy and contribute to the audience.

Lyly Sury - Quang Hai, the new talented couple of Lien Quan Viet village

Not letting the audience wait too long, Lyly Sury recently reappeared at the 2022 Winter Telecom and here she had the opportunity to interact with V Gaming team guy Quang Hai.

Lyly Sury - Quang Hai, the new talented couple of Lien Quan Viet village

Quang Hai and V Gaming are the AIC 2022 world champions

Looking ahead, V Gaming has another important tournament in 2022, the APL 2022 international tournament, which will take place from November 16 in City.

Lyly Sury - Quang Hai, the new talented couple of Lien Quan Viet village

Quang Hai has high expectations at the upcoming APL 2022

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By Grayson

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