23 years to look back at the friendship between Leo and Kate: There are relationships that are not love that are still `eternal`

Avatar of Nick John By Nick John Sep20,2024
23 years to look back at the friendship between Leo and Kate: There are relationships that are not love that are still `eternal` 3
23 years to look back at the friendship between Leo and Kate: There are relationships that are not love that are still `eternal` 3

`She is a wonderful person and the chemistry between us on screen is completely natural. We like each other like normal people,` Leonardo DiCaprio shared this about his co-star Kate

It was the beginning of an admirable friendship, one that has proven to be strong over the past 23 years.

However, Leonardo DiCaprio and Kate Winslet are two lucky stars who broke that stereotype.

23 years to look back at the friendship between Leo and Kate: There are relationships that are not love that are still `eternal`
23 years to look back at the friendship between Leo and Kate: There are relationships that are not love that are still `eternal`

The pair of close friends met on the set of Titanic in 1996, when Kate was 21 years old and Leo had just turned 20. There was a very passionate combination on the big screen, causing rumors about the couple dating.

23 years to look back at the friendship between Leo and Kate: There are relationships that are not love that are still `eternal`

After many years since Titanic, in 2008 Leo and Kate officially reunited in the movie Revolutionary Road.

23 years to look back at the friendship between Leo and Kate: There are relationships that are not love that are still `eternal`

On the award ceremony stage, the actress dedicated words from her heart to her soulmate Leo: `Leo, I’m so happy to be standing here and saying how much I love you and my love.`

What surprised the public was that Leo, not her then-husband, was the first person Kate hugged tightly when the actress won the Golden Globe.

23 years to look back at the friendship between Leo and Kate: There are relationships that are not love that are still `eternal`

That lasting friendship continued to be proven when Kate chose Leo to be the person to hold her hand down the aisle to start her third marriage in 2012. Kate has two children from previous marriages and

In 2016, when Leo held the prestigious Oscar for the first time, Kate was also there in the stands to support her best friend, just like he did before.

`I had a hunch that this year would be Leo’s year. He is my best friend in the world and I can’t imagine what it would be like to be absent in this moment to support him.`

The friendship of the two Oscar-winning artists grew over the years, just like the way they spent time together without any status.

As for Leo, he said that he really enjoys working with Kate, and affirmed that he and Kate are like a perfectly programmed machine when they are together.

In 2004, during a television interview, people replayed a clip of Kate giving an interview in 1998, where she once said about Leo as follows: `I can understand all women who love

When I actually worked with him, he was so lovely, sincere, down-to-earth and simple, not to mention very talented.`

Responding to that sweet clip, Leo said: `That’s my girl. I feel the exact same way about her. If it wasn’t for her doing Titanic with me, we might be right now.`

Sharing about her special friendship, Kate made everyone excited because it turned out that the two of them were just like any other friends: `You won’t want to know our conversations, because it’s so funny.`

`We often say to each other: If people knew the stupid things we say to each other, how would they react?

Of course I won’t reveal what we said, but we are very close and sometimes we still repeat lines from the movie Titanic and find it interesting,` Kate once shared this year.

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