If Iron Man `fights` Black Panther: Who will win?

Avatar of Nick John By Nick John Sep19,2024
If Iron Man `fights` Black Panther: Who will win? 2
If Iron Man `fights` Black Panther: Who will win? 2

I. Black Panther vol 3 #42

In Black Panther #42, after realizing that T’Challa had used more than 73m of cable around Avengers Mansion to monitor the Avengers as well as Stark’s company for many years, Tony Stark decided to expel T’

However, Tony Stark soon noticed something was wrong on the ship and immediately put on his suit to attack Black Panther and Wolverine.

And it was Black Panther’s knives that did this job, completely neutralizing Iron Man’s magnetic field so that Black Panther could use his claws to attack.


If Iron Man `fights` Black Panther: Who will win?

To confront T’Challa, Tony Stark had to create his own armor to fight Black Panther – Plastic Ghost Armor or Stealth Armor with a Polymer-based structure to counter Black Panther’s Anti-Metal Claws;

A perfect armor to hunt Black Panther seemed to bring an easy victory to Iron Man.

This destroyed the suit’s CO2 chamber and canceled the armor’s stealth mechanism against T’Challa.

If Iron Man `fights` Black Panther: Who will win?


This is probably the most asymmetrical match between Black Panther and Iron Man.

In Black Panther vol 4 #22, Black Panther along with his wife – Ororo Munroe a.k.a.

If Iron Man `fights` Black Panther: Who will win?

Along with that, Storm also brought down lightning to agitate the Sentinels, but they were soon defeated.

Once back on the ground, Black Panther and Storm were surrounded by Iron Man’s armor and the battle was stopped immediately by Rhodey stopping Iron Man as Black Panther had just saved his life.

Through the three encounters above, Black Panther was completely dominant and somewhat `gave` Tony more.

If Iron Man `fights` Black Panther: Who will win?
If Iron Man `fights` Black Panther: Who will win?

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